Friday, August 30, 2013

Forging a Title

Right now, I'm trying to come up with a title for my game. The working title that I'm using for the beta is "Apocalypses Now". The general gist of the game is that the world is ending, and players are struggling to survive in the ruins of the Earth. The title, as it stands, while a little clever, is also very derivative, and not particularly interesting or entertaining. It doesn't roll off the tongue or stick in the mind. It isn't even easy to spell or say.
When I created Rise of Champions, it took me a few days of focusing on the problem while jotting down ideas constantly. When I did come up with the title, it resonated with me. It is short, but it explains the game. As Rise is about leveling up a single character, the title explains what you're doing. It also has a distinct fantasy feel, ala Dungeons & Dragons. It also matches the flow of several other well known games such as League of Legends or World of Warcraft.

Rise of Champions can also be shortened easily and understandably to either Rise or RoC (pronounced "Rock") so that it can be referenced in a paper or, more usually, in chat. It is a title that fits the gameplay, matches the flavor, and is easily remembered and referenced.

With Apocalypses Now, I haven't yet run across the title that I like. I've listed below several ideas that I've come up with (any idea at all gets written down, even if it is bad).
  • Heros Fall
  • Survivors End
  • Fall of Champions
  • What is Nigh?
  • Inevitable
  • As we know it
  • One With Nothng
  • Desolation Day
  • Tales of the Fall
  • Tales of the End
  • Dark Days
  • Desolation
  • Survival of the Thickest
  • End of Days
  • Catastrophe
Many of these are to campy (What is Nigh, As We Know It, One With Nothing), others are too plain, (Hero's Fall, Survivor's End) while others don't fit the mood of the game (Survival of the Thickest is too jokey) and some are already taken (End of Days) or are very derivative (Catastrophe is very much like Fiasco).

With the title, I want to convey the epicness and badassery of the game's content while also indicating the eventual fate of the players (death for everyone!) and the setting (post apocalyptic Earth). Of course, I have to keep in mind that the game isn't completely serious or dark and moody, so you need to balance the weight of the words in the title with the flavor and mood of the cards.

The two or three words of a title can be the hardest to figure out, even harder than the answer to the most complex rules question.

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