Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Welcome to the Hamster Wheel!

So, the other day, I was talking with somebody who was interested in working on an RPG, and was excited with the idea of a more conversation focused game, but had a small issue with it:
The other problem with conversation-based instances/encounters is that I'm unsure how they'd have signifigance to the game aside from "that was interesting." The player could gain items, but what signifigance do they have? Are they just used for the next instance?
This statement is, well, interesting, and it is fairly common among gamers. If I don't get something cool out of it, what was the point? Why did I run across the country just to get some boots that I'm never going to use?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Making League of Legends More Accessible to New Players

(I originally posted this to Reddit, but it got absolutely no traction there)

Hey guys, I've tried to introduce my several of my friends to League, and have had some trouble when I do. It is oftentimes difficult for my friends to learn how to play the game. These include people with extensive gaming backgrounds- RPG, MMO, FPS and even RTS. They quickly grasp the basics, as taught in the initial tutorial, but have trouble figuring out mechanics that belong to MOBAs.

In the past couple of days, a post talking about how difficult it is for new players to get into the game made it to the front page (Link). While a lot of what he was talking about was the toxicity of other players, making the game easier to understand would be able to help.

I would like to see League become more accessible to new players and have a few thoughts that might help. I would also love to hear from you guys any thoughts you might have.